Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Store FREEBIE and a VALUE COLLECTION for 99 cents!!

This winter cold is causing all kinds of nuttiness!!   This week in the store at Digital Scrapbook Place, you can get this Value Collection...


for just 99 cents!!

That's 87% off from the regular price of $7.49.  What a DEAL!!!

Collection Includes:

~1 Dark Grungy Green Paper
~1 Gold Stripe Paper
~1 Green Print Paper
~1 Honeycomb Print Paper
~1 Soft Cream Print Paper
~1 Rich Gold Paper
~1 Brooch with Ribbon
~1 Buttoned Down Ribbon
~1 Celtic Knot Embossed Seal
~1 Dream Buttons
~1 Dream Quote
~1 Four Old Paper Photo Frames
~1 Harp Card
~1 Irish Folk Song Overlay
~1 March Tags
~1 Picket Note Pad
~1 Picket Photo Frame
~1 Plastic Shamrocks
~1 Rusty Label Holder
~1 Set of Upper Case Letters
~1 Set of Numbers 0-9
~1 Set of Punctuation and Symbols
~1 Three Old Paper Frames

If that's not a deal enough...
...is this week's store freebie.
Yeah, a whole kit!!!  How nutty is that?  Must be the cold, that's all I can think.

Check out what's already being made up with this page kit by Digital Elite Team member, VWORTMAN who by the way is know as the Gloriously Grand Queen of the Crop.
Another page with senior photos of my daughter Rhea."
Credits:  Four Plus More Quick Click by Carole Harden
Soft and Rustic Page Kit by Teresa Loman (not in store)
Graduation Word Art by Tina Chambers

I even found some pages done with the 99 cent deal of the week.
by DET Alumni, Just PJZ

by DET Alumni, flipjump

JUMP into Digital Scrapbooking and JOIN the community at Digital Scrapbook Place!!

MEET the WHOLE design TEAM!!

Find Carole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Carole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Christine's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Christine's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Elizabeth's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Elizabeth's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Erica's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Erica's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Heidi Nicole
Find Heidi Nicole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Heidi Nicole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Lora's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Lora's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Meryl's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Meryl's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Teresa's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Teresa's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Winter is getting OLD!

Winter is really getting old.  It snowed again last night.  I can't take it anymore.  I'm going to have to run away soon.  Not that there's that many places to run to right now... seems like everywhere is dealing with the cold.   I guess it's time to take a trip to the land of fond memories.  The Outer Banks.

I made these up yesterday.  They are FREE tomorrow night in my chat.  That's right --- FREE!!  Join me at Digital Scrapbook Place, in the chatroom, at 9PM Eastern Time.

Not a member at DSP?  Registration is FREE and it's easy.  Find out more HERE.

JUMP into Digital Scrapbooking and JOIN the community at Digital Scrapbook Place!!

MEET the WHOLE design TEAM!!

Find Carole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Carole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Christine's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Christine's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Elizabeth's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Elizabeth's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Erica's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Erica's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Heidi Nicole
Find Heidi Nicole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Heidi Nicole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Lora's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Lora's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Meryl's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Meryl's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Teresa's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Teresa's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cache and a couple of Sales

The first topic for today is CACHE.  No, not the spending kind unfortunately.  Your computer's cache.  Quite simply, cache is a tiny little space tucked within your computer's files that allows for data to be saved.  This data comes from websites.  Not to worry, this isn't a bad thing as most of the time, it's images from the website.  It's not even the full image, just a snapshot of sorts.

WHAT program is doing this???   It's your web browser, the program you use to enjoy the internet.

WHY???  With these little pieces and bits easy to reach, the web browser can load web pages you've previously visited quickly.  The image at the top of the website as well as some of the other pictures on that page pop up on your screen within seconds.  Maybe you've noticed that some web pages are slow to load and the images seem to take FOREVER to appear.  Likely, this is your first time visiting this particular site OR the person who takes care of the website has changed a few things and your computer does not have this new data or image.

Now.... over at Digital Scrapbook Place.... we kind of take the easy route when it comes to change.  I think everyone will agree, our time is best spent designing and NOT being a web master.  So, to make things easy on us, when it's time to change a graphic, such as the website header, we give it the same name that the website header has had since 2007.  AND then, we don our magic capes, and slip behind the scenes.

What to see what it looks like on the OTHER side of a website????  It's cool.

The secret code.....

looks like this.....


A good chunk of that gobble-goop code is file names that just so happen to match files stored on giant computers called web hosts.  All of that gobble-goop is a file as well that is stored along with all of the other files on the giant computer that is always on and always connected to the internet.  A website has to pay money for this space... kind of like rent. 

So the way cool thing for website managers who don't want to spend a ton of time being all geeky like with code and what not, we can swap things out as long as we know what file folder they're tucked in and what the EXACT file name is... because that's what's in the code.


Okay, so I admit it, likely this is only cool to geeky types like me.

Think of a website as an old time POST OFFICE. It pretty much always looks the same.  The boxes are always in the same spot. 
 The postal customer only has access to certain things.  Maybe the supply table... forms for mailing packages... things like that.  The postal customer might also have a their own little box.
 At DSP, we have our own little spaces, our account, our gallery, our private massages, etc. 
So what I'm trying to say... is that on the front side of the website, we get to enjoy the whole entire lobby of the old post office and our own little box.  BUT on the backside it looks like this.  Oh yeah... lots of spots to put things and if ya don't know what you're doing, you could mess things up.  It's all open on the backside too so you don't want to be back there unless you know what you're doing.

So think of it this way.... ONE spot has all the code for the website and ALL of the rest of the spots are filled with the files necessary for that code.  All of those spots are labeled and this label is part of the code.  SO.... so if you want to change out a header without changing the code, you BEST make sure it get's into the right box with EXACTLY the same name.


Cache doesn't "see" pictures.  The cache on your computer has no way of knowing a website header was changed if the secret gobble-gook code is still the same.

What does this mean for you???

An outdated header on the website.  If you've still got tickets running across the top of DSP, you might want to clear your cache because the header file was changed and it should look like this again.

Mind you, YOU DO NOT HAVE to clear your cache as it's self-cleaning.  Yeah, it's the ONLY thing in our world that's truly self-cleaning.  Eventually, it clears itself out and grabs the new stuff.  I sooooooo wish the kitchen would do that!

If the old header is gnawing at you, it's easy to change.  Simply clear your cache.

Everyone has a different web browser so I'll just leave you this link from WIKIHOW because it goes through clearing the cache for many different web browsers.


We are all getting pretty stinkin' tired of the snow around here.  According to the Sunday Detroit Free Press, our total snowfall for the season thus far is just shy of 70 inches.  That's well over 5 feet of total snow.  Yes, some of it has melted BUT I'm telling ya, there is no walking through the pasture right now.  Even Shop-Dog is struggling with the depth of the snow.  She has taken to utilizing the area under the back deck for her personal needs instead of the woods out back.  She simply can't get to the woods out back because the snow is too deep.

Now... if you listen to my husband, he will blame me... because I like to decorate the house this time of year with snowmen.  They're cute!
He says the snowmen need to get put away now for the season.  He says they make it snow.

I ALWAYS do what my husband tells me to do.  So.... let's clear out the snowmen for the season!!

Get these two GREAT digital scrapbook collections for just $2.99!!  

What a DEAL!!

Just click on the image and it will take you over to the My Memories shop where you can purchase these.



Get them quick because the sale is only going on until Feb 15th!!

JUMP into Digital Scrapbooking and JOIN the community at Digital Scrapbook Place!!

MEET the WHOLE design TEAM!!

Find Carole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Carole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Christine's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Christine's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Elizabeth's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Elizabeth's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Erica's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Erica's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Heidi Nicole
Find Heidi Nicole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Heidi Nicole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Lora's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Lora's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Meryl's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Meryl's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Teresa's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Teresa's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Freebies - Feb 10

It's Monday.  Let's make this Monday FUN and find some Digital Scrapbook Freebies!!

Here are TWO great Ploppers by Erica that I found in the FREEBIE Gallery at Digital Scrapbook Place...



Elisabeth has a FREE Facebook Banner in her My Memories Store.
 How cute is that????

I've got some fun Accent Work Buttons in my My Memories Shop.

There's a TON of freebies over in the My Memories Freebie Gallery.  Way too many for me to post here.

JUMP into Digital Scrapbooking and JOIN the community at Digital Scrapbook Place!!

MEET the WHOLE design TEAM!!

Find Carole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Carole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Christine's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Christine's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Elizabeth's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Elizabeth's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Erica's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Erica's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Heidi Nicole
Find Heidi Nicole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Heidi Nicole's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Lora's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Lora's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Meryl's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Meryl's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE

Find Teresa's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the Digital Scrapbook Place Store HERE
Find Teresa's Digital Scrapbook Designs in the My Memories Store HERE