Sunday, November 21, 2010

November Life Journal

This week's new digital scrapbook kit is November Life Journal. It has some wonderful fall colors still but has a bit of a festive flair to it as well. I think pictures of the upcoming holidays would be perfect paired with these.

November Life Journal digital scrapbook kit can be purchased in the store at Digital Scrapbook Place.

You can get this add on pack for free as a posting bonus. Find out more here.

Here is a page I created using just the page kit. The girl in the photo is my grandmother.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

About a Dream

This week's kit was About a Dream. There is a rack at JoAnn Fabrics in their decorating fabric department that I tend to gravitate toward. I would LOVE to do up a guest bedroom in the colors but have run out of guest rooms. So I just made a kit instead.
The add on pack is a posting bonus that can be had for FREE. Find out more information in my About a Dream Posting Bonus Forum over at Digital Scrapbook Place.
Here's a layout that I made using these digital scrapbooking products.

Yes, that's me in the photo. This "extraction" is super easy. Here's the cool's not really and extraction at all. I took the black&white/sepia colored photo of me and laid it over the cream background paper that I have in the add on back. The background of the photo was white. I set the photo layer to darker color and that is what I got. I did go back in and add the cream paper from the kit with the red design over the cream paper but it didn't take but a couple of swooshes of the eraser to the cream with red design paper to get rid of the little bit of red design from showing through the photo. Really, it was super easy. Try out your layer blend options before going through the hassle of extracting an image.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Famous for a Day

So...a couple of weeks ago I submitted a layout to Memory Makers. I discovered yesterday, quite by chance, that Memory Makers has it displayed on their home page and their featured idea gallery page. Too cool! I'm really not sure how this all works so I'm really not sure how big of a deal it is. Since it's my first time and all...I'm going to have to say, "It's a big deal."

I may have to try this out again. It's kind of fun to be famous for a day.