Saturday, June 5, 2010

Not that things have completely settled down for me, but I did manage to get enough stuff done for a posting challenge. Yes, I am aware that I am using a kit with the word MAY in it for a June posting challenge. What can I say, May slipped by in a blur and June snuck up on me.

SOOOOO....Get this for FREE

This is the add on pack that coordinates with my May Life Journal page kit. Simply purchase the kit and posting a link in my Back to Work forumby the end of the day Saturday, June 19. To get this for free

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chat freebie

Yes, I am well aware that we are now in June and I am just now getting around to the May Life Journal products. Better late than never. So....tonight's chat freebie is this great paper pack that coordinates with the kit and the add on pack that you will see very shortly.

Chat is tonight at 9PM (eastern time zone)over at DSP. I'll see ya there!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Power of a Shiny Tiara

This is from the June 2010 Digital Scrapbook Newsletter.

Letter from Team Digital - Teresa Loman

    June TiaraThe power of a Shiny Tiara

    To say things have been a little nutty for me lately would be a huge understatement! In the span of six weeks, I’ve been to China, been to urgent care (for myself), and been at my mother’s bed side through a heart valve replacement and the installation of a pacemaker. Then as my luck would have it…as you read this newsletter, I will be serving my community with jury duty.

    As I write this, I find myself in the midst of a cluttered house, a scattered mind and a list a mile long. The ceiling fans are circulating the accumulated dog fur around t he room and the dog is curled up against my legs. (Doesn’t she know it’s like an oven in here already?)

    So I have this list, a rather long list in fact. Several things can get pushed off to a later date. For example, having clean clothes to wear just doesn’t concern me as I still have plenty of clean pajamas to wear. And it’s not like I’ve run out of kitchen counter space to stack unopened mail. I do however feel the need to create new digital scrapbook products for all of you but it seems as if I am having a bit of a hard time finding that motivating design spirit with in me.

    I guess you could say that I’m stuck in a rut. I know we all get there from time to time. Our normal, seemingly endless, supply of creativity dries up like a margarita glass on a hot beach ZAP! We’re left with nothing. What do you do??? Well, for me…the tunes (music) go on and the tiara comes out. That’s right, a Tiara. For most of you, my tiara is no big surprise. My husband bought it for me long ago. I wear it when I pay bills sometimes because it helps me to feel a little more in control of the money that is being drained from our account at rocket speed. I wear it when the men in this house start to forget that this is NOT a fraternity house and that a woman lives here too. And I wear it when my creativity has hit a brick wall as if a bit of BLING is going to channel creative energy.

    So the Tiara has been placed upon my head in hopes of a quick return to my happyland of creativity. I know with my fun tunes and my glamorous bling, I will be busting out new digital scrapbook products in no time. I never under-estimate the Power of a Shiny Tiara.

    Hmmm…I wonder how successful I’d be at the laundry with this thing on???

    Pfft…who needs clean clothes? I have plenty of clean PJ’s!

    Oh yeah…jury duty. I’d look awfully silly wearing PJ’s with my tiara.

    (I’d like to thank Lisa Wingate, award winning author and DSP member, for the margarita simile. No one can finish off a sentence quite like Lisa can! Thanks, Girlfriend!!!)

    Teresa's Links:
    Click here for her Team Digital Bio
    Click Here for her Personal Gallery
    Click Here for Teresa's Forum
    Click here for the Lifespiration Gallery
    Click here for the Woodsy's Wall Gallery
    Click here for All her kits.